Invite U to Witness

The writer of this blog upholds the view contrary (to what many think) that writing is not just a private activity but rather, the compulsion to write stems from a deep desire to communicate, share, encourage, comfort, persuade, inspire and challenge our readers’ minds and perceptions.

I perceive writing to be the most polite, unobtrusive and democratic mode of all human communication  and there’s none better than the word medium. Your message is communicated only to a willing recipient who decides under no coercion, to open up and read your content. As a writer you don’t waste your time on people who are unwilling or has no time to hear you out and even more importantly I think, you don’t waste the time of the other person. Don’t we all hate being hassled and cornered into hearing someone out trying to sell his pitch ?

Out of my passion for writing, Wordknights  started as an informal gathering of writers who met at my home in Singapore where we presented readings of our manuscripts to obtain feedback and critique without prejudice. The group disbanded when quite a number of us (including myself ) left the country. Some went overseas to pursue studies/employment and others moved on to new endeavors. I moved to Ontario province in Canada.

With the launch of this website,  it is my prayer if this be God’s Will, we shall indeed continue to be connected and grow as an online community, unhindered by time and geographical restraints to be as a BEAM of light shining wherever God takes you.

I invite all visitors, friends, followers and casual readers here to respond to the readings with your insights from your journey through life which is unique to each. In this way you will help everyone else broaden and deepen their own perspective on some issues and concerns that have been raised in my homepage.

If you have a piece of writing and like to see it published, insert your article in the COMMENT BOX in the same spot that you would type a regular Comment.  I promise to award time and consideration to your submission but your article needs to be moderated and occasionally it could end up being rejected. If that happens you’ll be informed but I sincerely urge you to persevere in writing and never be discouraged by rejection but persevere in your calling and we look forward to publish your writing some time.

May you be a winning witness and continue to have a closer walk with Him, the Living Word and Creator of all creations.


Wordknights Founder


Truth seeker, befriender, encourager, Bible believer, lover of nature, writer, playwright and poet, former journalist, teacher-trainer, public relations consultant, a tightrope walker of sorts balancing the roles of daughter, wife, mother, grandmother. Values Love, Compassion, Justice, Peace. Enjoys fraternity, travel, food, theatre and sharing the Living Word and Christ’s redeeming Love.

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